Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Hey beautiful people!!! Compliments of the season!! I haven't wished my readers that... As we move into the new year, I wish you all the most beautiful things in life and a whole lot more....

So lets get to the lecture for the day!

Just in case you are wondering, yes it's quaker oats/oatmeal! That munchy goodness!
And yeah! It's another underrated beautility...

We all love to munch on yummy oats but a lot of us do not know that oats can be used for skin beautifying purposes. I just found this out not too long ago myself! They are so effective for soothing sensitive skin that they can be found in some beauty products these days.
Oats have the ability to calm, soothe and heal the most sensitive skin because of its anti-inflammatory and softening properties. Let's find out just how awesome the oats in your kitchen cupboard are!

Oat bath: If you have sensitive, itchy skin or are suffering from eczema, a 15-minute oat soak in the tub can leave you feeling good as new. Oats can also offer relief for chicken pox infected skin or even itchy insect bites....HOW?...Easy! Take a sheer sock, pour in about 2 cups of oatmeal into the sock and tie the open end to the tap so the water can run through the oats into the bath tub. Squeeze occasionally to get more creamy goodness until you have a tub filled with water. Next... splash around!

Body scrub: The grainy texture of oats makes for an excellent scrub, helps to remove dead skin cells and it has soothing qualities so you know your skin is in good hands.
Mix a cup of oats with water and let it sit for 5 minutes to soften the oats a bit. Scrub your body in circular motions with the softened oats and then rinse with water. This is also an excellent face scrub.

Mask: Oatmeal can also heal and soothe acne -prone skin. It can reduce swelling and soothe the redness.
Use the above scrub on your face and then apply a layer over your face and let it sit for 10 minutes. Rinse off and pat your face dry. This can be done weekly to soothe acne. 

There are other DIY face masks that can be prepared with oats to help with a number of skin problems but I think that will be discussed in another post, after I have tried and tested them (as your guinea pig nah)
Till then........

Stay beautiful!

Saturday, December 21, 2013


Hey beautiful people, hope y'all are having a lovely week.

So many of us are wary of skin troubles, so wary that we believe anything the next person says and act on it in the hope that maybe, just maybe things will get better with our skin. I have fallen prey to all sorts of skin myths you can't imagine. At some point, I just decided to stop taking people's opinions and do some research myself. Based on my research on the 'ACTUAL' do's and dont's, we will be debunking some skin myths today!

First myth.......
Facial exercises tone facial muscles and give you defined features!

In the face, the muscles are attached directly to the skin, there is no facial tissue. Constant facial exercises( I don't know who even invented those!) will contribute to facial lines, hence, wrinkles! Even habits like pouting (I'm so guilty ..lol), drinking from a straw VERY OFTEN , and squinting under the sun have to fly out the door!

Second myth....
Pores open and close!

I used to believe this too. If you actually think about it, it makes no sense!! you see a lot of articles where they tell you to wash your face with warm water or steam your face to open your pores, apply your product and then splash cold water on your face to close your pores back...LMAO! Steaming your face is pure common sense, the process of melting. Your pores are filled with oil or sebum which sometimes can solidify and clog your pores. Steaming your face will heat up your face...duh! and melt the oil that clogs the pores. Pores don't close and open like doors and PLEASE!! rinsing your face with cold water does not close your pores...lol.

Third myth.....
Applying SPF products on top of SPF products will increase protection

You are only protected based on the extent or higher rating of just ONE product. Applying sunscreen of SPF 30, moisturiser of SPF 15 and foundation of SPF 5 does NOT give you an SPF 50. Take note!

Fourth myth....
Cucumbers reduce puffiness around the eyes

They do...... but only TEMPORARILY and so can a cold compress! They help hydrate the skin and soothe the puffiness temporarily.To get rid of the puffiness for good, get some SLEEP!!

Last myth.....
You do not need sunscreen on a cloudy day

Come on! We've been here before!! Even on cloudy days, UV radiation from the sun reaches the earth. Get out your sunscreen!! ALL DAY, EVERY DAY..

Of course these aren't all the skin myths there are, but these are the ones I could verify. I will keep y'all posted if anything else comes up.

Stay beautiful!

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Hey beautiful people, hope you all are having a swell week.

Today I'm doing a review on a concealer palette I got a few days ago. I saw a positive review on a beauty blog (can't remember which one) about an online beauty store that has excellent delivery, www.beautyrevolutionng.com . So off I went to do a lil shopping, I actually wanted to get the sleek face contour kit but it's been out of stock for a while now. I've tried a gazillion stores and I still haven't been able to get it,and I also wanted a beauty blender sponge(the rave about this has been crazy and rightly so!). Since I could not find a contour kit,I came across this 15 piece concealer palette which is actually their brand and I decided to try it out.

Please ask me what my reason was.........

The rep for the website actually tried comparing this to the MAC concealer when a customer asked how good it was. She said and I quote: 'it is better than MAC'.

I thought to myself......someone can't actually blaspheme THAT MUCH without an ounce of truth to it,it costs exactly 2800 naira and I thought it was a major steal! So what the hell!! Give it a try!...And I did!

This is what the palette looks like

This is what it looks like inside

I couldn't find a product description on their site so I can't exactly tell you what they say about it, all I have is that it is supposed to be a concealer palette and its comparable to MAC!

What I think:
 First and foremost, this doesn't conceal a thing! And I think it is more of a corrector than a concealer in which case, a very poor corrector. It is too greasy, way too creamy and the texture of the product is very inconsistent. Every single colour including the dark ones seems to leave a white finish on the face which is so unattractive. To hide this, you have to apply your foundation after applying the 'concealer', not before.

The packaging is fragile. You can see from the picture above that mine is already unhinged and I haven't had this for up a week! Find swatches below...........

Simply put, this was a waste of money no matter how cheap. I most definitely will not be repurchasing.

Having said all these, I wouldn't be fair if I don't give a thumbs up for their prompt delivery. I was impressed, I got my package on time and everything was intact.

Has anyone else tried this? Or have you tried any other concealer palette? If you have a good review, please share!!!

Stay beautiful!

Monday, December 9, 2013


Hey beautiful people, this is a trend I want to start on here. From time to time I'll tell you about the few beauty products we have around us but pay no attention to or rather, are clueless as to their true worth. Most of them are very affordable and have multiple uses.
 So if you like this post and want me to continue this trend of underrated beautilities, PLEEEEAAASSEE! don't just read! Indicate in the comments section that you'd like to hear about more underrated beautilities and I will deliver.

Our first underrated beautility............

But then I'm sure some of you already know this....Is anyone surprised? If you are, I totally understand. For those that think they know, I'm about to shock you! You don't know half of it!!!!
Vaseline can be found in practically every home (If it's not in your home, I don't know what you are doing). We use this very cheap but overlooked product for a number of things  but they are nothing compared to what this baby is really capable of.


  • Vaseline aids hair growth; YES!! I am a breathing witness to this fact!.....HOW TO USE? Simple....just part your hair and apply to your scalp and massage.
  • Vaseline moisturises problem areas like knees, elbows and feet to prevent ashy build-up; Some of us walk around with really ashy feet and white scary looking knees. Well don't just stare at your vaseline! USE IT!!!
  • Great for cuticles; massage vaseline onto them to achieve healthy cuticles.
  • This baby un-chaps cracked lips; everybody knows this one now! HABA!
  • DIY lip gloss by rocking vaseline over lipstick
  • DIY lip balm by rocking vaseline over stain from your favourite stain-able drink e.g. tasty time... LOL!
  • Apply vaseline to your pulse points before spraying perfume to ensure that it lasts longer.
  • Vaseline doesn't clog pores so it can be used as a moisturizer. However its a bit too oily for those with oily skin so this is strictly for our dry sisters and brothers. My fellow people in the oil business, KEEP OFF!!!
  • Can be used as a lotion on cold and dry days. DUH!!
  • For those who have dry skin lines, search no further, VASELINE is your messiah.
  • Vaseline can be applied after shaving to prevent razor burn.
  • Vaseline can be used as a makeup remover; just apply some of it to a cotton ball and wipe!
  • Vaseline can be applied as an eye shadow base to give a more shimmery look.
  • DIY cream blush!!! Apply vaseline and your favourite lipstick to the apples of your cheeks.
  • Vaseline can be used to get stubborn rings out; just apply vaseline to the base of your ring and around your finger. I promise it wont hurt your jewelry.
  • Vaseline can be used to moisturise dandruff infected scalp.
  • Vaseline heals wounds.
  • Apply vaseline on your lips to soothe them after exfoliation.
  • To remove fake lashes, apply to the lash line and peel off.
  • Vaseline can be used as an eyebrow gel to sculpt perfect brows.
  • Rub vaseline onto your nails to make your nail polish last longer!
  • Vaseline shines leather (especially patent leather).

Do you see what I mean? How awesome is vaseline?.Please treat it with a little more respect. It can save your life!!!! LOL!
I hope we learnt a thing or two from this post and I hope you'd love to continue this. As usual, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.Y'all know how I love to hear from ya!!!

Stay beautiful!

Saturday, December 7, 2013


I promised I would do a post on how to pick sunscreen and ........I'm here to deliver!

When hunting for an ideal skin care product, there are certain things to look out for depending on what you want to achieve. In this case, we have just one goal.........MAXIMUM SUN PROTECTION.
So when shopping for a suitable sunscreen, these are the qualities we should look out for;

  1. Active ingredients: These are the ingredients that play the important role in every skin care product. In this case, these are the ingredients responsible for absorbing and reflecting the rays of the sun. They are; Avobenzone, Zinc oxide or Titanium oxide. Zinc oxide and Titanium oxide are known to be very good for sensitive skin.
  2. Water resistance: When a sunscreen is water resistant, it maintains SPF protection for at least 40 minutes of swimming, sweating or being exposed to water of any sort. Now the next thing I'll say is important...............Forget what the pack says!! No sunscreen is 100% waterproof..NA JAZZ!!! Very good ones protect for at least 80 minutes of being in water.
  3. Broad spectrum coverage: Any product with this quality protects from UVA and UVB rays. Wondering what the 'latin' means?.....UVB rays burn the skin, UVA rays can cause age-related damage and both can be linked to cancer. Only a sunscreen with broad spectrum coverage can offer protection against both.
  4. SPF: Some of us see this and don't know what it means. It stands for Sun Protecting Factor. This just signifies the amount of protection it can offer from UVB rays. An SPF 15 sunscreen protects the skin from about 93% of UVB rays, an SPF 45 sunscreen offers about 97% protection so don't sweat it, the difference isn't worth breaking an arm and a leg for. Sadly...... no sunscreen blocks 100%

These are the things to look out for when picking your sunscreen. I did some research and found some highly recommended sunscreens. These ones range from $30-$45 apart from the Aveeno sunscreen which is very affordable (look it up!). Of course you do not have to go for these ones, you could go by the guidelines I've given to pick your sunscreen

Skinceuticals  Daily Sun Defense SPF 20
Kiss My Face  Face+Neck sunscreen
Dermalogica Super sensitive faceblock SPF30
Clarins Day Screen High Protection


  1. Shake well as particles might be clumped
  2. Apply enough. As a rule of thumb, apply an ounce.
  3. Rub on all exposed skin.
  4. Reapply after every 2 hours or being exposed to water.

This is the sunscreen I've been using for a while now and it aint so bad. Although it claims to be oil-free and errr.............it's not so mattifying weapons are in order

Avon Face sunscreen
Those with sensitive skin, please please and please..... Stay away from oil-based sunscreens! Stick to gels or oil-free sunscreens. Those with dry skin, by all means, GREASE UP!!!! lol.

And yeah, sunscreen can be worn under your makeup. As long as you are wearing the right one for your skin, you should be good!
So much to take in I know,

Stay beautiful

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Ever been to a function and seen something like this occur?................

Bet you have..
A lot of ladies do not know how to walk in high heeled shoes. Even worse, some do not realise that there are different shoes for different occasions. So today we'll be discussing tips on how best to rock heels and achieving minimal damage to our feet.

  • First, If you are a beginner and still trying to ease into wearing heels, start off with the low ones, say 2-3 inches (like the one above) and gradually get comfortable in those before you go higher. Rome wasn't built in a day!
  • Honey you have to practice and keep at it. Sounds silly,YES,but that's just how it is.
  • Realise that celebrities be faking those smiles!!!! THEIR FEET HURT TOO! So don't kill yourself if a particular pair of heels ain't working. Look for what suits you. COMFORT is KEY.
  • There is nothing such as a constant shoe size. I can't stress this enough. Sizes could vary depending on how the shoe is built (the shape). Your size for open-toe sandals are not the same as your size for court shoes.
  • When walking down the stairs, HOLD A HAND RAIL! You might be good but you aint James Bond.

Your time is right around the corner!!!!
  • Take slow steps...You probably think people are staring at you. Maybe they are, but it's not because you are walking slowly. Unless you are in their way ofcourse...That can be annoying! lol
  • If you will be walking for most of the day, DON'T GAMBLE! Wear flats. If you must wear heels, carry a sizable handbag and put a pair of flats in it. I can't count how many times I've seen ladies coming into a place all chic and leaving with bare feet.
  • When walking on grassy or sandy terrain, balance on the balls of your feet if you are wearing stilettos or better still, stick to wedges.

Some tips to help you ......................
  • If your shoes give you blisters, try inserts (wrap your affected toe with paper tape or band aid) and you should be good.
  • When picking shoes, remember that the farther the arch of the shoe, the less you are likely to feel off balance.
  • If your toes are still uncomfortable, invest in a pair of shoe stretchers to stretch your toe box.

So beautiful people, hope this post helps. If you have any questions, you know what to do!!

Stay beautiful

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Hey beautiful people! Got another look for ya.

This look is a favourite because I was able to use about five colours and to create a subtle everyday look. Of course this is not your typical makeup to work! (I wouldn't be mad at you though *wink*) but you can wear this as a daytime look to the movies, to the mall, hang out with friends and that kinda stuff.
It was one of those bad hair days so I rocked a colourful scarf turban and I decided to do something similar to the eyes. If you like this look and would love to try it, find the products I used below. You do not have to use exactly what I used, you can work with what you have.....just be sure the colours are similar..


Sleek eye pencil brown (eyebrows)
Milani secret cover cream concealer in 03 Honey (eyebrow highlight and under eye)
Avon eye shadow primer (all over the eyes)
Clinique eye shadow trio palette; a white matte colour (eyebrow highlight)
Fashion 21 eye shadow palette; a matte red colour with purple undertone (above crease)
Fashion 21 eye shadow palette; a matte green colour (crease)
Jordana brow/eye shadow powder in Brunette (crease and outer V)
Miss Rose eye shadow palette; blue colour with a slight shimmer (lid)
NYC precision liquid eye liner
Sleek eye pencil black (waterline)
Covergirl lashblast volume mascara


Timewise matte-wear foundation in Bronze 4
Milani mineral makeup powder in Warm


Elizabeth Arden exceptional lipstick in Pretty Pink

I don't use a lip liner any time I apply this lipstick because it has a plumping effect.
What do you think? Do you like this look or you would rather do something more dramatic?
If you have any questions, I would love to answer them..............

Stay beautiful!

Friday, November 29, 2013


Hey beautiful people, I'm back.

I talked about the ankara craze in one of my earlier posts but I didn't get around to talking about the accessories. Fabric accessories are taking the fashion world by storm and ankara is no exception.
Whew! Where do I start from?....bangles, chunky necklaces, rings, bowties, hair bands, scrunchies, head wraps, belts, earrings, bags, clutch purses, sandals and SHOES!! Like I said earlier, I'm still working up the guts to rock this trend but I absolutely adore the way it looks on people!! ....very beautiful, colourful and oh so DARING. I have a few purses of my own that I purchased from upcoming entrepreneurs whose contact details I will share with you so you can hit them up if you are a fan of the very AFFORDABLE and GOOD stuff...like me...lol
Take a look at some nice ankara accessories. Feed your eyes

You can purchase these accessories from most nigerian online fashion stores like JUMIA or KONGA.....OR you can hit up the people I ordered from;

Twitter : @cuzoaccessories
Email: sandie4real2003@yahoo.com

Instagram: @khem_ie

Would you rock ankara accessories? or are you still working up the guts like I am...Hope you try this trend though!

Stay beautiful!

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Hey beautiful people!!...... who wants to talk makeup?!!!
I do anyway...

This look I'm about to share with you was done a while back and a lot of people loved it and since we are talking beauty....I thought to share!
It's a very simple smoky eye done with peach,gold and a very dull black with a bit of shimmer.

In this look, I used colours from my Fashion 21 palette;it has just matte colours all through. When I got this palette, I threw the protective transparent cover inside away without realising that the names for the respective colours were indicated on it. I'll try my best to describe the colours so.......BEAR WITH ME!

A list of the products I used and where I used them


Sleek eye pencil in brown (Eyebrows)
Milani secret cover cream concealer in 03 Honey (Eyebrow highlight and under-eye)
Avon eye shadow primer (all over my lid)
A nude pigment from Fashion 21 palette (Above my crease and into my highlight); you can use any nude pigment you have
A dull black from Fashion 21 palette applied with a precision brush (crease and outer V)
A peach pigment from Fashion 21 palette (lid)
A gold pigment from Clinique trio palette (tear duct)
NYC precision eye liner (upper lash line)
Sleek eye pencil in black (waterline)
Covergirl mascara on my natural lashes...


Timewise matte-wear foundation in bronze 4 (all over my face)
Milani mineral makeup in Warm (to set my foundation)


Zaron lip liner in Cappuccino
Milani nude lipstick
L'oreal HIP lip gloss in Pretentious

Notice that I didn't contour or highlight my face in this look because I didn't want to but I'll do a post where I'll do that soon enough. Hope you like this look.. If u have any questions,I'd love to see them in the comments section. Mwuah!

Stay beautiful!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


YEAH! true story beautiful people.......

I've been battling acne for as long as I can remember. You honestly do not want to see the endless list of products I have used in an attempt to battle this, all to no avail.

From drugs prescribed by dermatologists  to over-the-counter topical treatments to ridiculously expensive, highly recommended products!..WHEW! It has indeed been a struggle.
Ofcourse there are some splendid days for me when I just have a few zits and there are crappy but manageable days when I have bad breakouts and scarring but makeup gets me by (bless makeup!) and then there have been really terrible days when I could not even leave the house,mostly when I'm reacting to a product. The bizarre part about my situation is that the rest of my skin is flawless...unlike others who experience this on their back,chest,arms etc. Guess we can't have it all, can we?

In my search for the right product to end my sorrows..lol, I have come to realise that acne, in most cases is genetic. Of course  it can be worsened by using the wrong products for your skin,dirt clogging your pores and all that. Acne caused by those factors can be treated but the kind of acne that never goes away... is probably genetic and will eventually go away with time and I mean........TIME!...LOL.
The best we can do is apply the right products to keep it under control and KEEP OUR HANDS OFF! (I totally need to practice what I preach *rme*). I try as much as possible to stay away from oil-based products and I invest in matte makeup and most importantly non-comodogenic makeup. I also try...Lord knows I try to refrain from using so many products at once on my face which is kinda hard, seeing as I love makeup.

 I am trying to come to terms with it though because after all said and done.....I'm still the same person and I take solace in the fact that I will soon be rid of it. After all, I'm not getting any younger!
Any possible control measure is welcome (that's if I haven't tried it). I'd love to know what my fellow people in the struggle  have tried.

Reviews of the products I've tried in my search for perfection COMING SOON..........

Stay beautiful!

Monday, November 25, 2013


Hello beautiful people, we are talking about the sun.......I've heard so much bull about sunshine giving vitamin D, they say early morning sun to be precise. The idea is that the sun isn't as severe early in the morning.
My opinion.......SUNSHINE IS SUNSHINE! and the kind of sunshine we have nowadays, whether early in the morning or late in the evening, is anything but mild.

So is the crap about the sun giving vitamin D true?....Oh well it is...BUT HAVE YOU SEEN THE SUN OUTSIDE THESE DAYS?! It is not for the weak, I promise you. Please don't console yourself that you are soaking up vitamin D when you are frying under the hot sun. Get this....................

Exposure from the sun enables the body to synthesize vitamin D true enough,but honey, as you soak up the sun's rays, best believe you are setting yourself up for serious skin damage. Oh yes you heard me!!
Research shows that there is uncertainty about cancer risk from sunlight so there is no recommendation by any health body to soak up direct rays of the sun. We are all advised to incorporate our vitamins into our food instead. the sun's UV rays can harm your skin within only 15 minutes of being outside,even on cloudy and cool days (surprising huh?!).
So sweethearts, the sun isn't backing down and we aren't either, get out your arsenal and LOVE YOUR SKIN!...What you'll need:

  • Sunscreen: I can't overemphasize how important this is.
  • Clothing made from tightly woven fabric. Sheer clothes offer no protection. If they must be worn, use a sunscreen.
  • Sunglasses: They protect your eyes from the sun's rays. failure to protect your eyes could lead to lower cataract risks. IT IS NOT A SHAKARA SOMETHING!
  • Hats: To get the most protection, wear a hat with a brim that shades the face, ears and back of the neck or better still,take out your umbrella. Be ready for the stares though..lol
  • Mineral makeup: Fortified with SPF  so you can look good while battling the sun.
Hope to do a post soon on the importance of sunscreen and how to wear it. Till then.....

Stay beautiful!

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Hey there beautiful people!!

This is a trend that I am particularly excited to try out but I'm still working up the guts to 'werk' it.
The ankara trend is one of the raves out there right now; from blazers to high waist skirts to ah-mazing dresses to cropped pants to harem pants.....and then the most fashion forward of them all....ACCESSORIES!!!!!
Whoop! bags, bangles, earrings, rings, brooches, bowties, clutch purses, shoes, sandals......NAME YOUR POISON BABY!!! But the post on accessories will not happen today sha...lol
The ankara craze has come to stay and has even been spotted on foreign celebrities
Our very own Solange spotted on ankara

Fergie rocking the ankara trend

Rihanna and the Kardashians have also been spotted rocking the ankara trend. People have even gone a step further to mix ankara with other fabrics like chiffon, sequins, lace, raw silk, linen, cotton and even leather (Yes LEATHER!) thus making this trend more versatile.

What do you think? Are you a fan of the ankara trend?

Stay beautiful!

Friday, November 22, 2013


Hello beautiful people! So I will kick off with the most common makeup faux pas of the everyday woman... EYEBROWS!! (rme)
Your eyes are the most defining feature on your face. A perfectly sculpted eyebrow is paramount to achieve a perfect makeup look. Thousands of makeup artists have tutorials regarding this topic in English language. Lord knows I have even seen some tutorials in foreign languages. Google is your friend o! I wonder why we still have scarecrows roaming the streets. Your eyebrows should look somewhat like the picture above (oh yes that's me *flips hair*). It doesn't have to be exactly the same arch but it should be properly sculpted and not too thin and not crazily arched either. Sounds like rocket science I know, but trust me it's not.

  • Where your eyebrow starts depends on how slim you want your nose to look. The distance between your eyebrows define your nose bridge.
  • Your arch should begin at the end of your pupil. Trace a straight line from the end of your pupil upwards to your brow. That is where your arch should begin.
  • To end your brow, trace a straight line using a pencil from the end of your nose through the corner of your eye upwards to the brow. There you have your mark.
I will find time to do a step by step tutorial but for now, you can visit this link http://blushlybeauty.wordpress.com/2013/08/16/step-by-step-eyebrow-tutorial/  for a step by step tutorial. She covered everything and I think you'll find it helpful. I couldn't have said it better.


Please beautiful people, work that arch, check out the tutorial and PLLLEEEEAASSSEE let me know how it goes. I  would love to hear from you.
Stay beautiful!



Please forgive the ridiculous picture...lol. I am so excited!!!
Ok! so i finally got the balls to do this. A wise friend said; 'You don't necessarily have to know what you are doing, just do it!!' (well , not in all cases), hence the birth of this blog. I guess the next question is what exactly this blog is about. My answer.....anything and everything that interests me; fashion to skincare to makeup to product reviews, basically whatever I want to share with you sweethearts.
Before y'all get so excited,I implore you not to have soaring expectations so I don't fall short of them. I promise to share as much as I can with you and I look forward to learning from you. So...............


Stay beautiful