Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Ever been to a function and seen something like this occur?................

Bet you have..
A lot of ladies do not know how to walk in high heeled shoes. Even worse, some do not realise that there are different shoes for different occasions. So today we'll be discussing tips on how best to rock heels and achieving minimal damage to our feet.

  • First, If you are a beginner and still trying to ease into wearing heels, start off with the low ones, say 2-3 inches (like the one above) and gradually get comfortable in those before you go higher. Rome wasn't built in a day!
  • Honey you have to practice and keep at it. Sounds silly,YES,but that's just how it is.
  • Realise that celebrities be faking those smiles!!!! THEIR FEET HURT TOO! So don't kill yourself if a particular pair of heels ain't working. Look for what suits you. COMFORT is KEY.
  • There is nothing such as a constant shoe size. I can't stress this enough. Sizes could vary depending on how the shoe is built (the shape). Your size for open-toe sandals are not the same as your size for court shoes.
  • When walking down the stairs, HOLD A HAND RAIL! You might be good but you aint James Bond.

Your time is right around the corner!!!!
  • Take slow steps...You probably think people are staring at you. Maybe they are, but it's not because you are walking slowly. Unless you are in their way ofcourse...That can be annoying! lol
  • If you will be walking for most of the day, DON'T GAMBLE! Wear flats. If you must wear heels, carry a sizable handbag and put a pair of flats in it. I can't count how many times I've seen ladies coming into a place all chic and leaving with bare feet.
  • When walking on grassy or sandy terrain, balance on the balls of your feet if you are wearing stilettos or better still, stick to wedges.

Some tips to help you ......................
  • If your shoes give you blisters, try inserts (wrap your affected toe with paper tape or band aid) and you should be good.
  • When picking shoes, remember that the farther the arch of the shoe, the less you are likely to feel off balance.
  • If your toes are still uncomfortable, invest in a pair of shoe stretchers to stretch your toe box.

So beautiful people, hope this post helps. If you have any questions, you know what to do!!

Stay beautiful

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