Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Hey beautiful people!!! Compliments of the season!! I haven't wished my readers that... As we move into the new year, I wish you all the most beautiful things in life and a whole lot more....

So lets get to the lecture for the day!

Just in case you are wondering, yes it's quaker oats/oatmeal! That munchy goodness!
And yeah! It's another underrated beautility...

We all love to munch on yummy oats but a lot of us do not know that oats can be used for skin beautifying purposes. I just found this out not too long ago myself! They are so effective for soothing sensitive skin that they can be found in some beauty products these days.
Oats have the ability to calm, soothe and heal the most sensitive skin because of its anti-inflammatory and softening properties. Let's find out just how awesome the oats in your kitchen cupboard are!

Oat bath: If you have sensitive, itchy skin or are suffering from eczema, a 15-minute oat soak in the tub can leave you feeling good as new. Oats can also offer relief for chicken pox infected skin or even itchy insect bites....HOW?...Easy! Take a sheer sock, pour in about 2 cups of oatmeal into the sock and tie the open end to the tap so the water can run through the oats into the bath tub. Squeeze occasionally to get more creamy goodness until you have a tub filled with water. Next... splash around!

Body scrub: The grainy texture of oats makes for an excellent scrub, helps to remove dead skin cells and it has soothing qualities so you know your skin is in good hands.
Mix a cup of oats with water and let it sit for 5 minutes to soften the oats a bit. Scrub your body in circular motions with the softened oats and then rinse with water. This is also an excellent face scrub.

Mask: Oatmeal can also heal and soothe acne -prone skin. It can reduce swelling and soothe the redness.
Use the above scrub on your face and then apply a layer over your face and let it sit for 10 minutes. Rinse off and pat your face dry. This can be done weekly to soothe acne. 

There are other DIY face masks that can be prepared with oats to help with a number of skin problems but I think that will be discussed in another post, after I have tried and tested them (as your guinea pig nah)
Till then........

Stay beautiful!

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