Monday, November 25, 2013


Hello beautiful people, we are talking about the sun.......I've heard so much bull about sunshine giving vitamin D, they say early morning sun to be precise. The idea is that the sun isn't as severe early in the morning.
My opinion.......SUNSHINE IS SUNSHINE! and the kind of sunshine we have nowadays, whether early in the morning or late in the evening, is anything but mild.

So is the crap about the sun giving vitamin D true?....Oh well it is...BUT HAVE YOU SEEN THE SUN OUTSIDE THESE DAYS?! It is not for the weak, I promise you. Please don't console yourself that you are soaking up vitamin D when you are frying under the hot sun. Get this....................

Exposure from the sun enables the body to synthesize vitamin D true enough,but honey, as you soak up the sun's rays, best believe you are setting yourself up for serious skin damage. Oh yes you heard me!!
Research shows that there is uncertainty about cancer risk from sunlight so there is no recommendation by any health body to soak up direct rays of the sun. We are all advised to incorporate our vitamins into our food instead. the sun's UV rays can harm your skin within only 15 minutes of being outside,even on cloudy and cool days (surprising huh?!).
So sweethearts, the sun isn't backing down and we aren't either, get out your arsenal and LOVE YOUR SKIN!...What you'll need:

  • Sunscreen: I can't overemphasize how important this is.
  • Clothing made from tightly woven fabric. Sheer clothes offer no protection. If they must be worn, use a sunscreen.
  • Sunglasses: They protect your eyes from the sun's rays. failure to protect your eyes could lead to lower cataract risks. IT IS NOT A SHAKARA SOMETHING!
  • Hats: To get the most protection, wear a hat with a brim that shades the face, ears and back of the neck or better still,take out your umbrella. Be ready for the stares
  • Mineral makeup: Fortified with SPF  so you can look good while battling the sun.
Hope to do a post soon on the importance of sunscreen and how to wear it. Till then.....

Stay beautiful!