Saturday, December 21, 2013


Hey beautiful people, hope y'all are having a lovely week.

So many of us are wary of skin troubles, so wary that we believe anything the next person says and act on it in the hope that maybe, just maybe things will get better with our skin. I have fallen prey to all sorts of skin myths you can't imagine. At some point, I just decided to stop taking people's opinions and do some research myself. Based on my research on the 'ACTUAL' do's and dont's, we will be debunking some skin myths today!

First myth.......
Facial exercises tone facial muscles and give you defined features!

In the face, the muscles are attached directly to the skin, there is no facial tissue. Constant facial exercises( I don't know who even invented those!) will contribute to facial lines, hence, wrinkles! Even habits like pouting (I'm so guilty, drinking from a straw VERY OFTEN , and squinting under the sun have to fly out the door!

Second myth....
Pores open and close!

I used to believe this too. If you actually think about it, it makes no sense!! you see a lot of articles where they tell you to wash your face with warm water or steam your face to open your pores, apply your product and then splash cold water on your face to close your pores back...LMAO! Steaming your face is pure common sense, the process of melting. Your pores are filled with oil or sebum which sometimes can solidify and clog your pores. Steaming your face will heat up your face...duh! and melt the oil that clogs the pores. Pores don't close and open like doors and PLEASE!! rinsing your face with cold water does not close your

Third myth.....
Applying SPF products on top of SPF products will increase protection

You are only protected based on the extent or higher rating of just ONE product. Applying sunscreen of SPF 30, moisturiser of SPF 15 and foundation of SPF 5 does NOT give you an SPF 50. Take note!

Fourth myth....
Cucumbers reduce puffiness around the eyes

They do...... but only TEMPORARILY and so can a cold compress! They help hydrate the skin and soothe the puffiness temporarily.To get rid of the puffiness for good, get some SLEEP!!

Last myth.....
You do not need sunscreen on a cloudy day

Come on! We've been here before!! Even on cloudy days, UV radiation from the sun reaches the earth. Get out your sunscreen!! ALL DAY, EVERY DAY..

Of course these aren't all the skin myths there are, but these are the ones I could verify. I will keep y'all posted if anything else comes up.

Stay beautiful!

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