Wednesday, November 27, 2013


YEAH! true story beautiful people.......

I've been battling acne for as long as I can remember. You honestly do not want to see the endless list of products I have used in an attempt to battle this, all to no avail.

From drugs prescribed by dermatologists  to over-the-counter topical treatments to ridiculously expensive, highly recommended products!..WHEW! It has indeed been a struggle.
Ofcourse there are some splendid days for me when I just have a few zits and there are crappy but manageable days when I have bad breakouts and scarring but makeup gets me by (bless makeup!) and then there have been really terrible days when I could not even leave the house,mostly when I'm reacting to a product. The bizarre part about my situation is that the rest of my skin is flawless...unlike others who experience this on their back,chest,arms etc. Guess we can't have it all, can we?

In my search for the right product to end my, I have come to realise that acne, in most cases is genetic. Of course  it can be worsened by using the wrong products for your skin,dirt clogging your pores and all that. Acne caused by those factors can be treated but the kind of acne that never goes away... is probably genetic and will eventually go away with time and I mean........TIME!...LOL.
The best we can do is apply the right products to keep it under control and KEEP OUR HANDS OFF! (I totally need to practice what I preach *rme*). I try as much as possible to stay away from oil-based products and I invest in matte makeup and most importantly non-comodogenic makeup. I also try...Lord knows I try to refrain from using so many products at once on my face which is kinda hard, seeing as I love makeup.

 I am trying to come to terms with it though because after all said and done.....I'm still the same person and I take solace in the fact that I will soon be rid of it. After all, I'm not getting any younger!
Any possible control measure is welcome (that's if I haven't tried it). I'd love to know what my fellow people in the struggle  have tried.

Reviews of the products I've tried in my search for perfection COMING SOON..........

Stay beautiful!

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